The New York City based husband wife duo Nathaniel Paul Hoff and Jillian Speece arrived on the international music scene in 2012 by winning the Bud Light Battle of the Bands. Since 2012, the band has debuted on Prime Time Television (over 8.2 million viewers) and has seen their popularity balloon, taking them from coast to coast and from continent to continent and landing them in NYC. What makes The Bergamot unique is their mastery of crafting a fleeting moment into a deeply moving song. Weaving intimate storytelling with articulate instrumentation, Nathaniel and Jillian are the songwriters and masterminds behind this innovative indie folk-rock sound. The Bergamot’s uplifting songs are powered by unbreakable harmonies with seamless songwriting adeptness that combines a story of both the joys and heartaches of life. Jillian and Nathaniel met in high school in their hometown of South Bend, Indiana in 2003; they have since released three albums and toured extensively across North America and Europe.